Monday, October 16, 2006

Donkey with keg carrier

ALRIGHT, this is hot. A fully modified donkey with an attached keg holder that holds not just 1 keg, but up to 10!!!! This donkey is a party waiting to happen. Just bring some ladiez and I'll letz u in the door for free.

Donkey, originally uploaded by oliverlaumann.

It don't get hotter than this totally tricked out donkey.

Slammin' all the way around, from the paint to the Coke bottle dispenser. Of course there's a PS2 and monitor in back.

esel, originally uploaded by n+a magazin.

Donkey with all the fixin's

Thump, thump, thump, you can here this donkey's sound system 2 blocks away.

Donkey Work, originally uploaded by My Other Car Is A Bus.

These donkeys are all about the paint

The donkey is working., originally uploaded by mitayuudodo.

Kid pimping out donkey

This kid is pimping out his donkey. Still needs work, but shows that even a kid can pimp out a donkey.

Going to school, originally uploaded by dirk huijssoon.

Weez gotz a themez song, biatch

Contains breastizzess. Don't hit play if u don't like breastizzess.
"Donkey", by Federation

Southcentral Riderz Club

A shoot out to all the Southcentral Riderz. Nice ridez everywhere. Peas.

Santorini: Donkey line, originally uploaded by wallyg.

No ride is good without womenz

U aint gettin' that unless u pimp ur donkey. Nuff said.

Donkey!, originally uploaded by Punch_.

Donkey with lotz of accessories

Orange hi-fi muzzle with pimpin' green and purple accent ropes. This donkey sports a 200 pound packbag with built-in PS2. Thatz hot!

Donkey, originally uploaded by oliverlaumann.